Thursday, June 21, 2012

Some Summer Reading Picks

Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult was released a few months ago and is an intense story of a family trying to make decisions about their father who is unconscious.  One of the main characters is a wolf researcher; so the book is chalked full of interesting tidbits about wolves.

The Fools Gold Series by Susan Mallery is a lighthearted, funny series about a town with a man shortage. 

Love You More by Lisa Gardener is a book I recently finished and it is wonderful.  It has complex characters and a mystery that keeps you turning the pages and burning the midnight oil.

Happy Reading!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Things I Will (most likely) Never Do

1. Give up diet coke.
2.  Like the Nicholas Sparks novel Dear John. The heroine drives me crazy! (And no I have not nor ever will see the movie).
3.  Become super mom.  How do you accessorize a cape anyway?
4.  Lose my "Catholic Guilt"  (If you are Catholic you KNOW what this means.)
5.  Stop reading the hard copy version of books.  I have read a couple of books on my IPAD.   But I don't have to worry about charging my hard copy of books or dropping them in the bath tub.

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